How to help UK wildlife in August
As we settle into the summer holidays this month, our wildlife are also taking some respite. Birds are moulting and refreshing their feathers. Young animals are finding their feet and preparing for a life away from parents. Blackberries are bursting from brambles giving wildlife a much-needed late summer feast for building their strength. Getting outdoors and taking action for wildlife is a great way to use your downtime this month.
Here's four actions you can take to help wildlife in August.
Build a dead hedge
Put out water
A simple thing you can do to help wildlife, especially in summer, is put out water. A bowl or dish will do! Place it near shelter such as a shrub if you can. Make sure to clean and refill the bowl or dish regularly.
Moth recording
The charity Butterfly Conservation runs the National Moth Recording Scheme to collect data on moths that helps nature conservation, public understanding and research. All you need to do is share your sighting with your local county moth recorder through the website whenever you spot a moth!
Record a moth sighting here.
Create a frog hibernaculum
A hibernaculum is a place where animals such as reptiles and amphibians shelter when they hibernate. Creating a hibernaculum for frogs is easy, all you need is an old growing bag, a spade and lots of clippings and leaves. Late summer and autumn is the best time to create hibernacula so they are ready and available in time for winter.
For more tips and ideas on how you can help our wildlife every week of the year, sign up to our newsletter or follow us on Facebook.