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How to help UK wildlife in June

12 June 2023

With summer round the corner, chicks are fledging, caterpillars are emerging and mammal young are being born. Our wildlife is also being hit with high summer temperatures, so they need all the help we can provide this month to thrive. 

Here's four actions for local wildlife you can do in June.

Plant summer flowers

Now that summer is on its way, it's the perfect time to plant flowers in your outdoor space! Choose differently shaped flowers that are good for pollinators. 
Get more tips on planting flowers here.

Build a rockery

Rockeries can provide homes for all kinds of flora and fauna, from moss to lizards! Building a rockery is easy; all you need to do is pile up different-sized stones with small gaps in between. You can also add shade-loving plants to the gaps with some peat-free compost!

Join the Great Stag (Beetle) Hunt

Every summer, the People's Trust for Endangered Species run the Great Stag Hunt. They encourage everyone to look out for stag beetles and log their sightings. The information collected tells them how stag beetles are faring and helps build a national picture so they can be better protected. 

Take part in the Great Stag Hunt here.

Set up a bird bath 

With our increasingly hot summers an important way to help wildlife this month is to put out water. Set up a bird bath with gravel so birds can bathe and insects can drink without drowning. Perhaps put a bowl of water out on the ground too for visiting mammals like hedgehogs. 


For more tips and ideas on how you can help our wildlife every week of the year, sign up to our newsletter or follow us on Facebook.